Release the Seehassen

The Kraken Seehassen is honored with a fest every July.  What is a Seehasen?  Glad you asked.  Yes, fellow children of the 1970's, I know what you want, and here's your link.   
Now, as far as I can tell, it’s a cross beteen this on the left: 
and this on the right:    
(Netflix it it if you dare.) 

No actually, um, the Seehasen is a sea-bunny.  He’s like, six feet tall and he’s white with black spots and he comes out of Lake Constance and is a friend to all the children.  It’s all a little fuzzy to me (pun) (and slightly creepy, like all good and cautionary fairy tales), but that’s the general idea.  Because it’s German, it doesn’t seem as cute and cuddly as it potentially could be if say, Pixar got ahold of it.  The logo and main characterization leave a bit to be desired - think merchandising, Friedrichshafen.  Think of all the possibilities that these statues could bring...

I foolishly took the tween and teens to the Seehasenfest, thinking it would be a quaint glimpse into Swiss-German folklore along the shore of a beautiful lake.  It had that great potential.  I was wrong.  It was really a 30-minute walk past endless beer gardens and carnival games followed by a three-hour struggle to find a taxi back to the hotel as every Swiss and German within an hour’s train ride poured into the tiny downtown area.   

Enough said.  Let’s move on to London.

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