Continental heat

With one day down and two more to go on our jet-lag jag, we are experiencing a slice of weather that comes as a bit of a shock to our delicate Pacific Northwestern constitutions.  I grew up with it in the midwest and hated it... heat and humidity.  It was 93 both yesterday and today (July 1) and it is the expected high tomorrow as well.  And it's humid.  And did I mention that there is no air conditioning - and no fans?

The French don't seem to mind.  They stroll about in their long pants and linen blazers and their skin doesn't even look moist.  Maybe it is soaking up all the moisture in the air in order to compensate for the drying effects of cigarette smoke?  It is odd to see everyone smoking here - like taking a step back in time to the 70s.  Maybe it is c'est la vie?  They just take each thing in stride.

We are wrecked.  The kids are suffering from their upside-down sleep schedules and their parents keep nodding off.  The heat presses our eyelids down and down.  We don't want to give in, but ok, maybe just for a few seconds...  We decide to laze about the flat until the hottest part of the day and then we go out to find sustenance.

This whole no-speaking the language is daunting.  I hate feeling like a dumb ass, but really have no choice.  Every "bonjour, madame" and "jense pa francais, parlez vous anglais?" sounds idiotic to my ears, and I keep wanting to say it in Spanish, which isn't helpful at all.  Why can I remember more high school Spanish than Rosetta Stone French?

I am encouraged that we can stay awake until midnight - maybe jet lag is over?
